by Jimi Fly
(Sedalia MO)
Time for another season of trout fishing at a small pond in Sedalia Mo. Sedalia offers some nice size trout this year with a total of 1300 fish for me to catch if I can. I have made it out there only 3 times since opening day on Nov 1st.
The first day I usually spend getting used to the cork handle on my Tenkara rod as I fish Tanago rods. With that said I only caught three opening day. My buddy Jack gave me an ample supply of woolie buggers for this season so I was ready. Jack is a sight fisherman and usually hooks a ton of fish.
As we were fishing he kept telling me I was missing fish. I took this to heart and on the second trip I adjusted my grip so that my index finger was resting on the rod blank. Zeus, I could feel even the slightest take and hooked 8 rather nice fish. On my third trip I made a few more adjustments to my casting stroke and retrieve. Blammo! I hooked up 20 or so, actually losing count.
I felt bad as most of the Western style fly guys were not catching much of anything. It seems that the super sensitive tip of the Tenkara rod gives me an advantage after all. Alice, a woman who fishes a very expensive Sage 1 weight rod, said it was the worst day she had had in years I shyly said I did alright to which she replied “you did better than alright. I saw you hooking up hand over fish."
I always offer my Tenkara rod for people to try but after hearing that it cost more than a cane pole which is what most people think I’m using everyone refuses my offer. I really wish they would at least try. It is so much fun! Maybe next time I will bring one of my less expensive rods as a tester.
As with past years olive woollie buggers are the breakfast of champions in Sedalia for trout this year. I love it when I finally get in the groove and just start catching “hand over fish”
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“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” - Benjamin Franklin
"Be sure in casting, that your fly fall first into the water, for if the line fall first, it scares or frightens the fish..." -
Col. Robert Venables 1662
As age slows my pace, I will become more like the heron.
The hooks are sharp.
The coffee's hot.
The fish are slippery when wet.
Beware of the Dogma
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